
The diagram is entitled 'The ADHD iceberg'.  At the top is a title which says 'What people think ADHD is:' and above the waterline of the iceberg it says 'trouble focusing' and 'fidgeting'. Below the waterline the title says 'What ADHD actually is:' and it includes a long list of things including: poor sense of time, executive dysfunction, chronic unemployment, inability to focus even if there are no distractions, choice paralysis, hyper fixations, financial problems, difficulty switching tasks or inability to stick to just one.

Neurodiversity: Ways I can help

If you are neurodivergent (ADHD/Autistic/Dyslexic etc) you may find it easy to be productive on the things you are passionate about, but struggle to do the boring bits. Or perhaps organising things just seems overwhelming.

  • If you are a bit of a procrastinator I can offer some regular support and structure. I can take some of the hassle out of your hands.  That might look like a regular monthly admin evening or one hour a week.  Or an occasional half-day blitz.
  • I’m happy to draft emails, work with you to organise your calendar, help you gain control of your inbox. This can make things feel more manageable.
  • Does filling in forms give you anxiety? I get it. But if you have someone at your side, helping collate the information, proofread, and double-check the guidance then it all becomes a lot easier.
  • If you hate phone calls, I can call the vet/dentist/cleaning company on your behalf. And we can talk through via whatever communication method you like the best.
  • My clients really value that they can send forward me emails that they are not getting a response from and ask me to follow up, and I can do the calling and gentle persistence on their behalf.

This article covers some of the benefits of using a personal assistant if you are neurodivergent. You can also get Access to Work, which gives funding to people who need extra support in being able to work. That funding can pay for a neurodiversity-informed virtual assistant like me!

Why work with me?

  • I specialise in supporting clients who are neurodivergent, my clients feel calmer and more in control of their lives because of the work we do together.
  • I’m a trained counsellor, which means I offer support which is conscious of how emotionally sticky some of this work can be, some of my clients experience shame around needing support. There is never any judgement from me.
  • I’m only £30 per hour, and there is no commitment necessary, you can book me for a one off and see how we get on.

Book an intro session now

You can book an intro call with me, you can tell me a bit about what you are looking for and we can see if we would be a good fit.